I GREW UP with straight up authentic voodoo enchanted
haunted ghost story graveyard campouts by railroad tracks with so many ghosts
of murdered old souls...the two ribbons of steel gleam in the
moonlight...from them dragging their
...ask anyone who’s been down...and waited for midnight,
parked on the tracks just off Forbing
Road .
WE HAD a graveyard way back of our house…a hundred yards
behind the barn. The graves were robbed a hundred years ago, and one night my
buddy Doug and I got drunk and climbed down into .one of the brick lined grave
JUST ABOUT the time we are about to get bored and go home,
we heard a low guttural moan…like an old woman sobbing and wailing on the wind,
when just about that time we hear something thrashing and crashing around in
the bushes behind us.
hairy, huge and black just burst up out of one of the other graves in a
shower of leaves and branches, shot up the crepe myrtle trees and made a
deafening, shrieking sound as it flapped it’s giant wings and flew away into
the foggy night like a pissed off pterodactyl, so big, it blacked out the full
moon overhead.
(Ok, I’ll admit I made that last bit up.)
from the groundbreaking new book...FAKE NEWS on AMAZON
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