Tuesday, November 21, 2017

"THE KANGAROO & I" from FAKE NEWS by Vernon Rust

THE KANGAROO & I DID'NT SEE EACH OTHER before it was too late.

The impact was respectable...our mutual surprise, instant and lingering.

HE WAS about 7 foot tall, a "BIG RED" in a big hurry.

Me? a fallen from grace American expat wanna be, running from Australian Federales at 5 AM, dancing down a hill so fast, my legs almost running out from under me....

Yes, you're right , the odds would be against such a collision in the middle of the Queensland bush, at this particular hour . . . but somehow, sometimes . . . the universe fulfills its true comedy quota.

And  BOOM!

Both of us flat on our arses, catching our breath.

A Koala gives a sleepy look down from it’s gum tree.

Somewhere in the distance . .  .
                                                      . . .  a Kookaburra laughed.

from the bestselling new book FAKE NEWS on Amazon  http://a.co/ctBGQiF

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