Thursday, November 2, 2017

"Your Honor" you be the Judge! from the Vernon Rust book FAKE NEWS

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CONWAY TWITTY & I shared the same attorney.

 HE DIED a week before my court date.

With no will. With a new wife...and a few "Twitty Kids" running around. Estate hell. My little marital failure was dwarfed in size and attention...small potatoes in the break room at the law firm...(note to self: when your lawyer wont make eye contact when you're on the witness are profoundly & utterly screwed)...DAMN YOU CONWAY! Damn you back to Arkansas!

THIRTY DAYS! BAILIFF LOCK HIM UP! Downstairs to the holding cell. The bailiff was a skinny cat with big bug glasses and an ill fitting suit...he had just locked me in and to lie down…to crash on the luxurious chrome bench when he called out…"Rust! Rust!”

               “…the judge fucked up! She got so mad, she forgot to give you ability to purge! “(Funny thing was, that's exactly what I did in my pants when those handcuffs went on)

 . . . continued

from the new Vernon Rust book FAKE NEWS! on Amazon

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