I watched Pete Townsend and Keith
moon destroy the stage of the smothers brothers tv show after “my generation”
completed it’s “BIG FINISH”
I watched the BEATLES singing ‘HEY
JUDE” on ed sullivan . . . all on live Black and white TV.
Now, great songs make money for
corporations outright. Songwriting income is an old wives tale.
Consider this: When one of my
songs gets streamed 10
million times, that nets me 300 dollars.
If, by some divine miracle of nature, You Tube played my song
1 BILLION times?
That generates $3000
If I had a “co-writer”? Cut that figure in half.
In the “old
days” a hit country radio single, top 10 and above, made the
writer 200K. An album cut on a platinum record made 60. Banks would loan
against it. Hell, drug dealers and bartenders would too. (You too can make “dozens” of dollars
in the exciting music business!)
How do you get a songwriter off your front porch?
(Pay him for the pizza.)
from the ground breaking new book FAKE NEWS (on Amazon) http://a.co/ctBGQiF
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